K2 | Mindbender 88 Alliance
© KontraPixel | Miriam Mayer

Mindbender 88 Alliance

winter 2022

We asked the Brands a few questions about their product and their company.
This is what they told us:

With the Mindbender collection we’re pushing freeride skiing in a whole new direction, forcing ourselves to bend our minds around new ideas, creating new perspectives. We call it Psychedelic Research – because those powder days create this ecstatic state of mind which is reflected in our products.

1525,9g – 1662g Size-Related
615,00 €
It is already available
What makes your product a perfectly developed PIECE OF GEAR FOR WOMEN?


K2 | Mindbender 88 Alliance

"What MATERIALS is your product made off? "


"Tell us more about your COMPANY / PRODUCT SUSTAINABILITY... "

COMPANY: For all information on our approach to sustainability, please visit: https://k2snow.com/de-de/support/sustainability

Our Promise: As skiers, snowboarders, and winter sports enthusiasts, we spend all of our time in the mountains and are conscious of our environment. K2 is committed to making a more sustainable future for both people and the planet. We move forward with conscious discipline towards mindful product manufacturing and materials selection, reducing our impact on climate and promoting inclusivity and forward progression for all peoples within our community. This remains our commitment to our sports, to our consumers, and to the mountains and natural world that we live and play in.

Our Objective ...is to prioritize sustainability in all aspects of our business to achieve the targets of a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030, an 80% reduction by 2040, and net-zero before 2050.

Our Execution ...we will identify, measure and improve sustainability in all areas of our business; from materials selection, production processes, waste reduction, transportation, end-of-use planning, and energy consumption.  

"We know there are FUN FACTS and / or a BACKSTORY! Please share!"


K2 | Mindbender 88 Alliance

Mindbender 88 Alliance

winter 2022
We asked the Brands a few questions about their product and their company. This is what they told us:

With the Mindbender collection we’re pushing freeride skiing in a whole new direction, forcing ourselves to bend our minds around new ideas, creating new perspectives. We call it Psychedelic Research – because those powder days create this ecstatic state of mind which is reflected in our products.

1525,9g – 1662g Size-Related
615,00 €
It is already available
What makes your product a perfectly developed PIECE OF GEAR FOR WOMEN?


K2 | Mindbender 88 Alliance
K2 | Mindbender 88 Alliance
K2 | Mindbender 88 Alliance

"What MATERIALS is your product made off? "


"Tell us more about your COMPANY / PRODUCT SUSTAINABILITY... "

COMPANY: For all information on our approach to sustainability, please visit: https://k2snow.com/de-de/support/sustainability

Our Promise: As skiers, snowboarders, and winter sports enthusiasts, we spend all of our time in the mountains and are conscious of our environment. K2 is committed to making a more sustainable future for both people and the planet. We move forward with conscious discipline towards mindful product manufacturing and materials selection, reducing our impact on climate and promoting inclusivity and forward progression for all peoples within our community. This remains our commitment to our sports, to our consumers, and to the mountains and natural world that we live and play in.

Our Objective ...is to prioritize sustainability in all aspects of our business to achieve the targets of a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030, an 80% reduction by 2040, and net-zero before 2050.

Our Execution ...we will identify, measure and improve sustainability in all areas of our business; from materials selection, production processes, waste reduction, transportation, end-of-use planning, and energy consumption.  

"We know there are FUN FACTS and / or a BACKSTORY! Please share!"


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